Saturday, June 20, 2009

On a serious note..,..

(This post is going to be sad)

Okay this is going to be a little disturbing (okay A LOT) but if you haven't heard about the situation in Iran you must be living under a rock. And if you have then either looked at the news thought it was a very sad thing that was going on and then changed the channel (or went to look up Twilight stuff) or 2.(like myself) was heartbroken by the whole situation and though that the Green Movement was worth it. But for the past several hours I have been on Twitter and watching CNN. Now let me explain the situation to you. Last week the people from Iran were angered by the results of the elections, so they decided to rallied asking for a recount. But the government said no. So the continued to protest and now the armed forces are killing and beating peaceful protesters. And the thing is Iran's government is trying to block any communications to the outside world (and failing miserably). The people of Iran decided to turn to the internet to spread their message to the outside world. And the outside world is listening. And now it seems like it's more than the election and more about a complete change in the government. I really hope that the people of Iran continue to be united against the horrible theocracy.

(Please don't continue reading if, like me, you get emotional watching this kind of things)

I saw this on twitter
They killed my sister #iranelection #gr88

This is the video (It made me cry please, I beg you, don't watch if you're an emotional person)


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