Currently I am running on about five hours of sleep (I guess that's enough because so far nothing too bad as happen). Well for starters I wanted to apologize for the really crappy post I've been writing (I'm pretending only some of my writing is crappy). But today I was just really bored and decided to write on this thing. I didn't have a chance to get much online yesterday (so I'm trying to make for it today). So anyways yesterday I went to a party (actually it was a celebration for a baptism, but my people like to celebrate such occasion by getting drunk and throwing a party). My mother just happen to be the godmother for some baby (the baby was adorable). Anyways it started out pretty lame (I made my bff come along so she could suffer with me). Then three young guys came into the party (they were ok looking I guess). So after almost everybody (including the three semi-good-looking guys) was drunk the party really got going. And man! After seeing them dance their status went from semi-good-looking to kinda hot. Because for being so drunk the were awesome break dancers. Then (for some reason) we started talking to them (and kinda flirting). Of course those guys were like what 24(ish? yeah I was like call me in two years)
And then I had (of course) a Twilight reference. Isn't Robert Pattinson like 23? He's not too old for me. Two more years and it's a fair game.
Which brings me to my second point, I was telling my bud(the same one from the party) about the girls leaving notes (why do I even bother explaining just look at the picture)

And then I had (of course) a Twilight reference. Isn't Robert Pattinson like 23? He's not too old for me. Two more years and it's a fair game.
Which brings me to my second point, I was telling my bud(the same one from the party) about the girls leaving notes (why do I even bother explaining just look at the picture)
[take notice of all the "I love you's"]
Her answer to this was "I wouldn't say "I love you" I would say...." (this is so good it deserves something else)
"I don't love you, I just want to do you do"
(that quote would be followed by her number and a quote saying "call me in two years") I laughed at that for...(a really good time) the conversation went on to even more disturbing and those details I don't feel comfortable revealing (just because they are too embarrassing but nonetheless hilarious). Anyways I will leave you with this really creepy picture of Johny Depp from "Alice in Wonderland" (doesn't he look like Madona?)

[Leave it to Burton to make a fairy tale into a horror flick, i cant wait!]