So a few seconds ago I was over at twitarded and JJ was talking about all the sex scenes from Breaking Dawn and unrealistic they are, this got me thinking about them too because until this point I really haven't thought about it that way because of the most part I just pictured Edward naked lolz.
But enough with my fantasies,
Even though I loved her analogy I have to disagree
I mean they were super horny in the island after Edward finally got his act going and he didn't bruise her. So therefore loosing her virginity did not hurt because all she wanted to do is fuck him the next day. Another question Edward is 17 and he must get horny so my question is, did he ever get a boner before the wedding?
My second point refers more to the physiology of Edward. I mean if the sex was so good, then how long is his dick? and ,this is a actual conversation with my bff, what color are his pubes? golden brown?
I guess what my point is, the sex must have been really good, shoot I would do him any day
I just remember vampires don't really have to stop fucking so how could he had stopped when he was fucking Bella?
Dude I so want Summit to make Breaking Dawn and rated R because I think that is how BD was suppose to be made and plus I'm dying to see Robert Pattison naked and all the ridiculous sex scenes would be beyond amazing.
And as Seth Rogen once quoted in his awesome movie "Zack and Miri make a porno"
"Let us fuck!"

[please do not ask how i got this]

But enough with my fantasies,
Even though I loved her analogy I have to disagree
I mean they were super horny in the island after Edward finally got his act going and he didn't bruise her. So therefore loosing her virginity did not hurt because all she wanted to do is fuck him the next day. Another question Edward is 17 and he must get horny so my question is, did he ever get a boner before the wedding?
My second point refers more to the physiology of Edward. I mean if the sex was so good, then how long is his dick? and ,this is a actual conversation with my bff, what color are his pubes? golden brown?
I guess what my point is, the sex must have been really good, shoot I would do him any day
I just remember vampires don't really have to stop fucking so how could he had stopped when he was fucking Bella?
Dude I so want Summit to make Breaking Dawn and rated R because I think that is how BD was suppose to be made and plus I'm dying to see Robert Pattison naked and all the ridiculous sex scenes would be beyond amazing.
And as Seth Rogen once quoted in his awesome movie "Zack and Miri make a porno"
"Let us fuck!"
[please do not ask how i got this]