Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mujeres Asesinas

If you are not fluent in Spanish then you should stop reading this post unless you want to find out what is it about.

But trust me this is going to be interesting, I think....

Ok to understand this you will first have to understand that my favorite show is Supernatural, because, well, that show is the shit, especially the first season.
I guess what I liked about it was how each episode seem to belong in the movies, each one a different horror movie.It didn't seem to belong in the tv.

Ok well in 2005 there's was this show in Argentina about women who commit murders, and let's face it who doesn't like seeing badass women?
Anyways last year that show was made into Mexican tv and this year it premiered into the Spanish network in the U.S.

This show it's AMAZING!!!!!!!!
trust me each episode show how women are pushed to the limit and are forced to kill in order to get out of a situation.
This show is like CSI, Sweeny Todd, Saw,Supernatural and countless others.

Ok, basically each episode is a different crime, the woman has already been arested and she confenses why she killed. All the stories are pull out from actual events and each of then seem very real. Like an abusing husband, and a kidnapping. And at the end of each episode it shows how she commited the murder. And this each episode is a different women, who are the best actresses in Mexico, all hand-picked.

Oh wow, I could talk about this for hours, but this show is AMAZING and you have to see it even if you do not speak Spanish the cinematography is amazing and makes it look like a high-budget triller. And don't get me started on the music score, let's just say it's awesome.

In this episode a young doctor is having a romantic relationship with her boss but when she finds out he's married she breaks up with him. The doctor's wife then kidnaps her, tortures, and later kills her. It's really graphic and sad at the same time.

Oh wow I'm such a dork but this show is worth watching

Trailer Dude!

Ok, so many people are writing about their reactions to the New Moon trailer, I didn't want to do this but I feel this needs to be told
You see, I'm not going to tell you my reaction to the trailer, instead I'm going to tell you what my 13-year-old brother said, it's quite hilarious I think
But on with my story:
I watched the clip started to freak out, then my brother came in my room the exact second the clip was over and this is how it went:

[Take in mind my brother is the typical popular jock in school who only cares about sports and girls, and knows nothing about Twilight except for the first movie]

Him: wat'ya goin?
Me: Omg you have to watch this!!! *practically freaking out*
Him: k
Me: *rewinds the whole thing again*

the trailer starts it goes to the birthday part scene, Edward pushes Jasper into the piano

Him: woah!

Edward breaks up with Bella

Him: Dang thts cold

Bella is running Jacob transforms

Him: Woah that's awesome Can we watch it again?

I have been saving this post since last Sunday but for some reason I just didn't post it, well now I have a nice story to add to this post:

Well a couple days ago he came home from school and started talking about something that happened to him that day at school

Him: you know the twilight trailer?
Me: it's New Moon but ok
Him: yeah whatever,well I was talking to this girl and she said she was a huge Twilight and I asked her about the trailer and she said the trailer wasn't out yet and if it was she would've known

I know right what kind of Twilight fan is she if she didn't know the trailer was out yet. Anyways on with my story

Me:What"d you do?
Him: I described the trailer to her
Me:Wow, did you really?
Him: Yeah! I even did the rawrr!! for the wolf

at this point I started laughing because my little brother is starting to turn a Twilight fan, but he still refuses to read the books

Um....... Yeah

I been trying to figure out what to write about because lately there hasn't been anything good to analyze or even poke fun at, until now. You see, Forbes released its top 100 list for celebrities and it seem like everybody was scrambling to see who came first. And even though the list does what it's suppose to do, finding the celebrity with the most influence, the people who receive that "honor" do not really deserve it. For example, I personally dislike Miley Cyrus because I personally think think she's a stuck up bitch.

And people who really try to make this world a better place do not get any credit

I'm sorry this is kind of a rant of the pointless list, that basically tells how popular somebody is