I think that a girl with photoshop and some stock photos could have done better. But you get what you get, I guess. And why the fuck do they keep putting an eclipse in the background?!? And Edward looks like the, I don't know, some kind of creeper. And finally the smoke is not necessary. But overall a good picture, I guess.
There you have it, the cover for the New Moon book. On another note I had what I like to call a wow-am-i-so-nerdy-that-i-can-relate-this-to-twilight? moment. So my mom was watching her favorite telenovela (Mexican soap opera). I normally don't watch this because they are really crappy with overdone story lines and too much drama (almost has bad as American soaps), but once in a while they have good ones (where do you think "Ugly Betty" came from?) Anyways she was watching it and I ask what's the name of the protagonist handsome hero (that happens to be tortured by his past and just happens to pretend he's somebody else to keeps his identity secret from his love interest and not to forget he's rich) her answer was "Eduardo" or Edward. I wanted to say "You're shitting me!" ,but she wasn't. After that I sat there and kept watching. There you have it my wow-am-i-so-nerdy-that-i-can-relate-this-to-twilight? moment.
I have problems don't I?
And on a final note I would like to share to you how much me and my friends love transformers. I shit you not that my bffs are 1.somewhere in some beach in Florida and 2.the other one is in Houston on her way to Cancun. And where am I? I am the most boring place in the US (and possibly the world). So what do we text about? Yeah that's right all we have talked today is about is how we are going to see the movie even though we are so far away from each other. I'm like the one who gets left behind in the Sisterhood of the traveling pants. So all I cam look forward this summer is parties lolz
I guess in closing I'm one of the biggest Twilight nerds out there (I'm just in denial)

[this kinda looks like a better book cover, to be honest]
[note: this post is going to be posted at 11:59]