Thursday, June 18, 2009

People with cool jobs, yeah that's what I'm going to call this post

So I'm still suffering (from my VERY smart move) of wiping out my computer so I'd been trying to regain all the software I lost. Anyhoo I took a break from trying to recover lost software and went my usual website (typically all Twilight and movie related) I know I'm kinda a nerd (surprise, surprise). And as usual I saw the pics from NYC from Robert Pattinson's new movie. And then (as usual) I saw the hundreds (I'm kinda exaggerating...I think) of fans all over him. And you know what? He is just one of those people with cool jobs (hints the title). Yeah you know the kind of people that do something they loved and at the same time thousands of people love them. it doesn't mean that he is some kind of god or superhuman being being (although to many people that's what he is) it just means that his job makes a lot of people love him. And trust me stalking some actor is not going to get you laid. If you wanna meet an actual guy go out and have fun. So my advice (look at me pretending people actually read this thing) is stop stalking actors (Robert Pattinson to be exact) I know he's hot and everything but people should learn to admire from a distance (a secure non-creepy distance). I'm talking about magazines, the internet, I don't know books or something. Save your creepy fangirl behavior for conventions or something. But to be quite honest with you (again with the optimism about this blog) if I ever saw him I would have what some of you call a fangirl moment. I need help.

Oh, before I finish this post I would like to add this kick-ass trailer from the move 2012 that's coming out this November (don't worry is not the 20th). And as the title hints is about the end of the world. This is the guy who did The Day After Tomorrow (which is an awesome movie that you should see). I remember I saw this movie in theaters and when we came out (by "we" I mean me and my mom) I was little shut up! Anyways we came out all creeped out and there it was. The biggest fucking cloud I'd ever seen. I mean this cloud was almost green I'm telling you! Green! Well then I decided if the end of the world was among us we could just do like they did in the movie and go to Mexico and we would be safe (we lived in Texas at the time) yeah that was our plan.I know this was probably the lamest story you have ever read so I apologize for wasting your time. Here's the trailer

[for future self]
You suck at telling stories so you stop trying to tell your lame stories in your blog. Oh, yeah you should really make sure your summer reading gets done. You really didn't learn anything today so this was just a reminder of one of the things you have to get done this summer.

[Wow is crazy the things you can get online]