Monday, April 27, 2009

let's talk about sex baby let's talk about you and me

So a few seconds ago I was over at twitarded and JJ was talking about all the sex scenes from Breaking Dawn and unrealistic they are, this got me thinking about them too because until this point I really haven't thought about it that way because of the most part I just pictured Edward naked lolz.

But enough with my fantasies,

Even though I loved her analogy I have to disagree
I mean they were super horny in the island after Edward finally got his act going and he didn't bruise her. So therefore loosing her virginity did not hurt because all she wanted to do is fuck him the next day. Another question Edward is 17 and he must get horny so my question is, did he ever get a boner before the wedding?

My second point refers more to the physiology of Edward. I mean if the sex was so good, then how long is his dick? and ,this is a actual conversation with my bff, what color are his pubes? golden brown?

I guess what my point is, the sex must have been really good, shoot I would do him any day

I just remember vampires don't really have to stop fucking so how could he had stopped when he was fucking Bella?

Dude I so want Summit to make Breaking Dawn and rated R because I think that is how BD was suppose to be made and plus I'm dying to see Robert Pattison naked and all the ridiculous sex scenes would be beyond amazing.

And as Seth Rogen once quoted in his awesome movie "Zack and Miri make a porno"

"Let us fuck!"

[please do not ask how i got this]

Fanster Deservation

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Layout

I'm testing a brand new layout to see how it works but unfortunately the rest of my post are invisible, well kinda so enjoy

Yay Trip

I just got home from a 2-day trip, which was amazing if I may add, the only downside was that our hotel had really shitty wi-fi and apparently some of the mattresses had blood stains on them, which was really disturbing, oh yeah and all the walls looked like they had just been painted like is somebody was trying to cover up a murder lol but seriously that hotel was shitty and I would never recommend that hotel to anyone at all. But besides that everything was amazing and perfect

take a look at this picture I took on the bus

And now I'm going to try to catch up on everything I missed in the last 48 hours :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Before I Leave....

For the past few minutes I have been trying to find a good story to write about but is late and there's nothing online I can talk about. Thus, I decided to talk bout myself and my boring life. Needless to say I created this blog out of pure boredom and now I seem to be addicted to it and cannot seem to stop writing on it about anything I can find about Twilight, well only the things I felt that deserved to be written about. Now, I sit here with my aunt's laptop that I borrowed just for the trip I'm taking tomorrow which may I mention is going to be kickass and amazing!
I'm also thinking about the fact that I may actually be able to the New Moon premiere but how unlikely that is
anyways I seem to be getting nowhere with this typing so yeahhh...
I'm going to leave you with a picture



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Funny Story

So I was talking to my mom and she told me about the conversation she had with her 58-year-old friend

mom (in Spanis but translated ): I was talking to her(person's name is a secret lol) and she finally saw that movie you obsess about what is it called again?
me: Twilight!
mom:anyways she told me how much she loved it and then I told her that you (me! :)) are like in love with the guy from it and then she said "how could she not he is super hot"

let me remind you this is a sweet old lady married for like 30 years I don't know how many kids she has but they're all grown up and have kids of their own, she never heard of Twilight until a few days ago and yeah..

I just thought it was funny how anybody could fall in love with Edward no matter how old they are

Happy Earth Day!!

remember to help mother Earth a little bit or just keep her in your head :)

Ugh! my head,,,,

For the past four hours I've sleeping because as my long list of symptoms pointed out, my head injury may cause me irregular sleepiness so yeah....
my head is killing so I just had time to get on the computer and blog about all the things that I have missed, well here it goes....


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Home Yay!

I got stay home today because well, I kinda slit my head open last night, I went to the hospital and got 13 stitches yay!....
I know gross but still it got me out of school
surprisingly it did not hurt at all even though all the doctors kept telling me
"Wow, that's a good one!"

what ever that means one thing was for sure, the thing on my head was disgusting and big

the story of my life


lolz i just had to
it was basically this but more epic
i know im weird
tell me something i don't know

Monday, April 20, 2009

Deathly Hallows

Non-Twilight related but still amazing
omg! I cannot wait!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So, I'm sitting here in English class and I'm supposse to be writing a paper but instead I sit here writing in my blog because well, I do not wanna write a page introduction on the future of medicine because well I lost my muse. You see they have these laptops that students can take to work on things on their desks but I rather not write I rather blog LOLz. Well anyways the other day I was thinking about a conversation me and my best friend constantly have; it goes something like this:

Me: what would yo do if you ever met robert pattison?
Her: i would kidnap him and make him my sex slave
Me: is that your dream?
Me:But how are you going to do that?
Her: You know "The Plan"

I first need to tell you The Plan, the plan came together one day at our lunch when a bunch of us were discussing could we, well..... take him

You see it was a really strange situation because all of us had a complete straight face but the subject was so hilarious and disturbing at the same thing that there are no words that could describe it. It started wit us taking the maid first and posing as maid to get into his house
then taking him.
Another version of the plan was to steal a firetruck, a police cruiser...
don't ask how where we got this one...
Oh yeah another one was to get a device that blocked all cellphone signals like the one in that movie with Jenifer Lopez where she kicks the ass of her abuse husband
Don't you love bad ass women?
anyhow we would then tap into his phone lines somehow pose as police officers/firefighters and tell him there is a a major gas leakage and we need to check his house. After that we would take him and well yh.....
But in all seriousness if she ever meets him I would really feel sorry for him

Naw, I'm just kidding we would never do anything like that but that conversation definitely happened

Monday, April 13, 2009


So recently, the weather where I live has been cloudy and rainy, not to forget cold. It is awesome.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Post

Dude I feel special,
well welcome
