Thursday, July 30, 2009

Woah! I haven't been on this thing in a LONG time!....

This feels weird, I haven't written in a while, so I guess I'm just going to keep writing until something maybe-good-maybe-total-shit comes out. The truth is that I've been too lazy to get on this thing because of 1. nobody reads this shit and 2.well I don't have a two, that was about it. But the truth of the matter is I'm just too fucking lazy. But since I'm half-assing my way through this post I should start with the big news on the web today (and by "on the web" I mean twitter), apparently Summit decided to sack Rachelle Lefevre a.k.a Victoria from Eclipse and replace her with another redhead (I forgot her name sorry), this apparently that made a ton of people mad, so to show their anger, millions of fans decided to tweet (imagine a gansta chick) Oh no they didnt'!!!!
Yeah that's right they, get ready for this, tweeted!
 I'm sorry but if some greedy asshole did that I wouldn't just be "tweeting", I would be knocking down doors, maybe beating one or two of these dicks, or quite possible paying somebody to have some "things" done to them. Okay the last one might be going a bit to far. But in all seriousness this was a bitch move on both sides of this so-called-conflict. So they should just resolve this because the only ones who are losing money is them. Oh yeah and I was totally kidding about attacking some C.E.O's, we all know I don't have the guts.

Umm... okay moving on to another uninteresting topic, I think I found the most comfortable jeans on earth, move over skinny jeans, there is a new king in my closet (woah, that sounded kinda weird) but anyways yesterday was my birthday and I got something called the "boyfriend" jeans, and all to be honest those were the most comfortable jeans I had ever worn. And to those who care, in other words no one,

I also got a blackberry, which only helped to enable my twitter addiction because now I have several different ways to update my twitter, let's count them all shall we?
1. The good old fashion desktop computer
2. The always reliable TweetDeck
3. The always handy mobile web
4. The kinda-creepy UberTwitter
5. and finally the always convenient txt
Yeah I need help, but that's besides the point. I guess the point of this thing is to post something just for the heck of it.

And.......finally I went to Cedar Point this past weekend and, I gotta say, did some pretty bad ass things. What kind of bad ass things you say? well take a look for yourself..........

yeah that's right, I'm cool with the Peanuts gang

And in this one I wasn't even looking at the camera, too busy staring at the awesome t-shirt.  

one last time with my home boy Snoopy

Told you I did some pretty bad ass things. Yep, I'm a total daredevil

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yet another post

In this one I have no idea what I'm going to write so I'm just going to make it up as I go, Okay? So let's get started, shall we?

When I started this post I was about to go see HP6 but I'll talk about that in a later post (I have wayyyyy to much to talk about, so yeah...) so therefore I'm just going to try to find some random story that interests me and I'm going to write about.

This one is not really that interesting, but it had some good yeah-that's-what -I-call-eye-candy material according to E online Xavier Samuel has been casted to play Riley in Eclipse a.k.a. Twilight #3.

And this one is only funny if you watch it (and like Twilight), am I the only one that can find a twilight reference in this video? (you have to watch the video in HD for it to work)

maybe is the very (and I mean very) similar credits?
particularly the "Twilight" one 

Okay I'll write a HP post later on becasue in a couple of minutes it's going to be 3AM so I need some sleep 

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Yeah that's about it, a simple hello. I haven't really had anything to talk about lately (particularly because the things I could write about are just boring to most people). So all I'm going to manage to write is a simple "Hello", sorry. Nothing much to it, just that. I know is nothing but I have nothing else to talk about so yeah.

But in all seriousness it's no secret I'm a huge HP dork, and as the little good fan I am, I bought my tickets (midnight showing, of course, pshhh....) for the movie in advance. Yeah I'm obne of those people. I'm not dressing up though, that's where I draw the line, nope, I will never drop that low (watch, I'm probably going to do it anyways). But you see, that's not going to stop me from runni
ng up to people (who are dressed up) and ask them for a picture. For some reason I love to take pictures with strange characters (I know. I'm weird :)). I'll take a picture with anybody in a costume, and I mean anybody .Example, I was at Chuck E. Cheese's the other day (yes I still enjoy that place), there was a birthday party and that big adorable mouse was arouYeah me and Chuck E.are tight lol on Twitpicnd, so when he was finished entertaining some 4-year-old I ran up to him (I was the only one of many who did, a teenager running to get a picture with a mouse, very mature). I'm not kidding, a room full of kids and I'm the only one that comes up to him. And I have proof!!! (Yeah that's right he threw the peace sign). I'm totally part of the cool crowd, yeah, totally... So I guess, I'm going to try to get a bunch of pictures with Harry Potter characters. And I already picked out the outfit I'll be wearing! (my whole family is sick and tired of me announcing the countdown for the movie every single day, several times a day. 2 MORE DAYS!!!! ) Anyhoo, I guess that's all I have to say on that subect (for now)

Sorry I haven't written in a let's begin (crappy title, I know)

So today is the 4th of July and that could only mean one thing(or a couple) ...FIREWORKS!!!!! yeah that's right those crazy balls of fire that are beautiful to look at. But what really matters is that I almost died (well not really). But to understand what happen you need to picture this, I'm standing under a tarp,right across the yard (about 30 feet or so) there's this guy setting up one of those big fireworks,(like the ones that shoot up really high and the're really big) he runs back to the tarp (where there's a table full of fireworks and about ten people standing around), there is also torches right in front of me (pretty fucking dangerous if you ask me). Anyways the guy is running back to the tarp, suddenly I notice that the sparks are not flying upward but sideways shooting at everybody,(every person is running for cover at this point, sparks and explosions everywhere, I'm not kidding! EVERYWHERE!) then one spark lands right in from of my foot (literally, picture a war zone, kinda, everybody was running) at this point I'm like "shit there goes my foot" the thing blows up, light everywhere, I feel my foot get really warm, I look down (let me remind you this happened in a couple of seconds) it was every man for their fucking himself. Pretty crazy I know. At the end nothing really happen to me an everybody was fine. Don't you like my story? No? OK I can live with that....... I know it wasn't the most epic story but it's my little story of the day.

Oh yeah I also found out I am going to be able to go to the midnight release for HP! Yeah!!!
And have you heard about Rupert Grint having Swine Flu? I hope he gets better. Ah only 9 days, (not that I'm counting or anything)

[You know what's sad? when I preview the pictures the show up in smal thumbnails but I could still tell you which Harry Potter movie they come from]

I didn't want to finish this in a sad note but I would like to dedicate a very special thing to one of my classmates who died yesterday of cancer. Yesterday was not a really good day for me because even though I wasn't close to her, I still knew her and could never picture her dying. She was really young, 17, and she I don't believe it was her time to leave us. So in closing, I know she is in a better place right now. She will forever be in my mind.

RIP JAMIE 1/28/92-7/3/09

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Have you heard?......

So today after all the fallout of MJ's death many people started making stories about other celebrities, quote-quote, dying. And as the (extremely unhealthy) Twilight obsessed person I am my initial thoughts were "what if they started saying Rpattz died?". I mean how many people would actually believe that? I'm kinda half-tempted to start that just to see how people would react it. But I don't have that many guts. Plus there's so many blogs and websites that stalk him on an every-day basis that nobody would believe it. But just imagine if you heard that, what would you do? I mean how many people would cry? Even post videos online of them just sobbing and crying .And talking about stalking, I was on NMM, but not for the news, I usually go there to look at the comments people write. If you haven't done this you should because these people (probably all females) are one of the funniest people I ever heard.

In another note I was watching AOTS last night and this came, and of course I take notice of anything that resembles, or relates Twilight (and that is just about everything),