Sunday, May 17, 2009

Epic Fail

Here I go again with the blogging but I had to say I failed , I was planning on reading two books in two days but I only read one and started the other one. One thing I have to say though, Uglies was a pretty dam good book and I can't wait to read the other one in the series, The Hunger Games is pretty good two but I haven't gotten to the good parts. If Uglies is ever made into a movie is going to be a pretty good movie with an awesome ending that would just leave the audience on the edge of their seats. Talking about big endings how about the Supernatural season finale? that let me haning of me chair, literally! I mean WTF?! Can't wait for next season is going to be the shit!!
anyways... lots of homework still to do....


Star Trek!!!

I don't even know why I'm blogging when I have hours of homework left to do and it's already almost eleven, but I just had to say something, STAR TREK WAS AMAZING!!!
I finally got to see it and it was awesome I even got my friends who made fun of me for wanting to watch this say "This movie was awesome" plus if I may add the guys were super hot and awesome. Love every minute about it J.J. Abrams is my new here, well he was my hero ever since Fringe came on the air. But the CGI was impeccable the plot had a strong back-bone and it didn't rely on the special effects to make up for the crappy plot because in this case the plot was solid and the CGI and the story line balanced out perfectly creating what is now the Ironman of the year and the next big sci-fi franchise move over Star Wars, or Terminator because the Trekkies are here to stay.