So I've been thinking a lot of what I want to do this summer and then I realized a extremely sad thing, a part of my summer that I'm really looking forward to see is the summer blockbusters.(told you it was sad). And I know I made lists of movies I want to see before but now I'm giving you the kickass trailers of some of those movies. So let's begin shall we?
2012. When I first saw this it really creeped me out but only because I'm a sucker for anything about the end of the world. And this has everything an epic movie needs with the awesome special effects and the over-the-top disasters, that is what makes this a kick ass trailer
District 9. This trailer kick ass not only because it is a new idea that I don't think I've seen before but, the movie has a hidden message about racism and how we treat each other, if you watch the trailer with that concept in your mind you will see it a lot differently
There you go these are the trailers that I've seen so far that kick ass.
[Note to self] Don't eat by the computer because a youtube video, sunny-side-up eggs at 2 pm and hair don't mix.
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